Short Communication

Ultrasonographic diagnosis of unilateral ectopic ureter in a Labrador dog

P.A. Oglesby, A Carter
Journal of the South African Veterinary Association | Vol 74, No 3 | a517 | DOI: | © 2003 P.A. Oglesby, A Carter | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 02 July 2003 | Published: 02 July 2003

About the author(s)

P.A. Oglesby,
A Carter,

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A 3-month-old, Labrador bitch presented with urinary incontinence. A unilateral, ectopic ureter was diagnosed with ultrasound without the aid of additional contrast radiographic techniques. Ipsilateral hydroureter and mild hydronephrosis were also present.At the level of the bladder trigone the ectopic ureter became intramural and this was clearly demonstrable with ultrasound. The opening of the ectopic ureter into the proximal urethra was, however, not visualised owing to its intrapelvic location.


Ectopic Ureter; Intramural; Ultrasound


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