Case Report

Acute Lantana camara poisoning in a Boer goat kid : case report

A. Ide, C.L.C. Tutt
Journal of the South African Veterinary Association | Vol 69, No 1 | a807 | DOI: | © 1998 A. Ide, C.L.C. Tutt | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 12 July 1998 | Published: 12 July 1998

About the author(s)

A. Ide,
C.L.C. Tutt,

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Acute Lantana camara poisoning in a Boer goat kid is described. The animal was part of a flock of boer goats that was introduced from the Kalahari thornveld, where the plant does not occur, to an area where the plant grew abundantly. At necropsy, the animal was severely icteric, dehydrated and constipated, with hepatosis, distention of the gall-bladder and nephrosis, but no skin lesions. Histopathological findings of the liver confirmed moderate hepatosis with single-cell necrosis and bile stasis. The pathology is consistent with that described in acute Lantana poisoning in cattle, sheep and goats. The absence of photosensitisation may be attributed to relatively mild liver damage, or the rapid course of this toxicosis.


Boer Goat; Constipation; Hepatosis; Icterus; Lantana Camara; Nephrosis; Photosensitisation


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Crossref Citations

1. Distribution of the invasive alien weed,Lantana camara, and its ecological and livelihood impacts in eastern Africa
Ross T Shackleton, Arne BR Witt, Winnifred Aool, Corin F Pratt
African Journal of Range & Forage Science  vol: 34  issue: 1  first page: 1  year: 2017  
doi: 10.2989/10220119.2017.1301551