Original Research

Observations on some cardiopulmonary effects of midazolam, xylazine and a midazolam / ketamine combination in the goat

G.F. Stegmann
Journal of the South African Veterinary Association | Vol 70, No 3 | a771 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/jsava.v70i3.771 | © 1999 G.F. Stegmann | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 12 July 1999 | Published: 12 July 1999

About the author(s)

G.F. Stegmann,

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Xylazine, midazolam and a midazolam / ketamine combination were administered to 6 goats in a randomised 3-way block design. All goats received all treatments with at least a 7-day interval between treatments. Statistically significant (P < 0.05) changes were observed in some of the measured cardiopulmonary variables for xylazine and midazolam/ ketamine. Xylazine administration resulted in statistically significant decreases in minute volume, arterial partial pressure of oxygen, heart rate andmeanarterial blood pressure. The increase in arterial partial pressure of carbon dioxide was not statistically significant. For the midazolam / ketamine combination, the decrease in tidal volume was statistically significant, but not the decrease in minute volume and increase in arterial partial pressure of carbon dioxide. The decrease in the arterial partial pressure of oxygen was also statistically significant. The mean arterial blood pressure for the combination was statistically significantly higher compared to xylazine. The changes in cardiopulmonary variables after midazolam administration were not statistically significant, such as tidal and minute volume, arterial partial pressure of oxygen and carbon dioxide. However, clinically significant effects such as hypoventilation and hypoxia were observed after its administration. The change in mean arterial blood pressure was minimal.


Anaesthesia; Caprine; Ketamine; Midazolam; Xylazine


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