Short Communication

Host preference of the sheep scab mite, Psoroptes ovis : short communication

T. Meintjies, L.J. Fourie, I.G. Horak
Journal of the South African Veterinary Association | Vol 73, No 3 | a577 | DOI: | © 2002 T. Meintjies, L.J. Fourie, I.G. Horak | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 06 July 2002 | Published: 06 July 2002

About the author(s)

T. Meintjies,
L.J. Fourie,
I.G. Horak,

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Sheep scab mites, Psoroptes ovis, collected from a Merino donor sheep, were used to infest Merino and Dorper sheep, and Angora and Boer goats. Mites were placed on the sheep on 1 or 2 occasions and on 5 occasions on the goats. All the animals were examined at regular intervals for the presence of scab lesions and living mites. Both sheep breeds developed lesions, but those on the Merino sheep were always larger than those on the Dorper sheep at the same intervals after infestation. None of the goats developed lesions or showed signs of irritation, or harboured any mites.


Angora Goats; Boer Goats; Dorper Sheep; Host Preference; Merino Sheep; Psoroptes Ovis; Sheep Scab


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Crossref Citations

1. Kilka uwag w kwestii identyfikacji i leczenia chorób owiec w starożytnym Rzymie
Agnieszka Bartnik
Studia Historyczne  vol: 61  issue: 2 (242)  first page: 5  year: 2018  
doi: 10.12797/SH.61.2018.02.01