Short Communication

Caprine vertebral osteomyelitis caused by Rhodococcus equi : clinical communication

P.N. Kabongo, S.M. Njiro, M.F. Van Strijp, J.F. Putterill
Journal of the South African Veterinary Association | Vol 76, No 3 | a419 | DOI: | © 2005 P.N. Kabongo, S.M. Njiro, M.F. Van Strijp, J.F. Putterill | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 14 June 2005 | Published: 14 June 2005

About the author(s)

P.N. Kabongo,
S.M. Njiro,
M.F. Van Strijp,
J.F. Putterill,

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There have been reports of Rhodococcus equi infections in goats in Australia, America and India. In this study, R. equi was isolated from an inflamed vertebra in a Boer goat in South Africa. At autopsy, there was a purulent inflammatory reaction in the 1st cervical vertebra. Histopathologically, a neutrophilic infiltration was encountered in the bone. Aerobic culture of swabs collected from the abscesses yielded R. equi in pure culture that was identified on biochemical tests. R. equi has become important as the cause of an opportunistic infection in people suffering from HIV.


Caprine Infection; Purulent Vertebral Osteomyelitis; Rhodococcus Equi


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