Original Research

The reproductive performance of dairy cows with anovulatory anoestrus that were injected with either gonadotrophin-releasing hormone or oestradiol benzoate as part of a re-treatment process after insemination

B.V.E. Segwagwe, J. Malmo, K.L. Macmillan, P.D. Mansell
Journal of the South African Veterinary Association | Vol 78, No 1 | a278 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/jsava.v78i1.278 | © 2007 B.V.E. Segwagwe, J. Malmo, K.L. Macmillan, P.D. Mansell | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 31 May 2007 | Published: 31 May 2007

About the author(s)

B.V.E. Segwagwe,
J. Malmo,
K.L. Macmillan,
P.D. Mansell,

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This experiment compared the reproductive performance of synchronised anoestrous dairy cows that were treated initially with a combination of progesterone and oestradiol benzoate and then with either gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH) or oestradiol benzoate to resynchronise returns to service. It was hypothesised that injecting anoestrous dairy cows with GnRH 12-15 days after insemination and coinciding with the time of insertion of a controlled intravaginal progesterone-releasing (CIDR) device would increase conception rates to the preceding 1st insemination compared with oestradiol benzoate treated cows; both GnRH and oestradiol benzoate would resynchronising the returns to service of those cows that did not conceive to the preceding insemination. Groups of cows in 11 herds were presented for a veterinary examination after they had not been seen in oestrus postpartum. Those cows diagnosed with anovulatory anoestrus (n = 1112) by manual rectal palpation and / or ultrasonography were enrolled in the trial. Each enrolled cow was injected with 2mg oestradiol benzoate i.m. on Day -10, (where Day 0 was the 1st day of the planned insemination) concurrently with vaginal insertion of a CIDR device. The device inserted was withdrawn on Day -2 and then each cow injected i.m. with 1 mg of oestradiol benzoate on Day -1 unless it was in oestrus. Observation for oestrus preceded each insemination. Every cow that had been inseminated on Days -1,0,1 or 2 was presented for treatment for resynchrony on Day 14 (n=891). They were divided into 2 groups; those with an even number were each injected i.m. with 250 µg of a GnRH agonist (Treatment group n = 477); each of the cows with an odd number injected i.m. with 1mg of oestradiol benzoate (control group, n = 414). Each GnRH or oestradiol benzoate injection preceded reinsertion of a CIDR device previously inserted from Days -10 to -2. It was withdrawn on Day 22, 24 hours before injecting 1mg oestradiol benzoate. Cows observed in oestrus were submitted for a 2nd insemination. Every enrolled cow still present in the herd was pregnancy tested by palpation of uterine contents per rectum about 6 weeks later and again at the end of a herd's seasonal breeding programme. The alternative use of GnRH instead of oestradiol benzoate did not affect the percentage of cows conceiving within 3 days of the mating start date (MSD) (35.6 %vs 35.3 %, P=0.90), resubmission rates for a 2nd insemination among cows not pregnant to the 1st insemination (81.6 % vs 83.5 %, P=0.41), 6-week pregnancy rate (59.3 % vs 60.6 %, P=0.65), 21-week pregnancy rate (86.6 vs 85.0, P=0.36), mean interval from MSD to conception (32.5 + 1.8 days vs 29.9 + 1.8 days, P = 0.26) or conception rate of cows reinseminated by Day 28 (43.3 % vs 38.8 %, P=0.39). When GnRH conception rate of cows reinseminated by Day 28 (43.3% vs was compared with oestradiol benzoate, it did not increase conception rates to the 1st service; it was as effective as oestradiol benzoate in synchronising returns to service in previously treated anoestrous cows that did not conceive to the 1st service. Its use affected neither conception rates to the preceding 1st inseminations nor to the following 2nd inseminations.


Anovulatory Anoestrus; Controlled Internal Drug-Releasing Device; GnRH; Oestradiol Benzoate; Resynchrony


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