Short Communication
Pulmonary Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Beijing strain) infection in a stray dog : clinical communication
Journal of the South African Veterinary Association | Vol 79, No 2 | a252 |
| © 2008 S.D.C. Parsons, T.A. Gous, R.M. Warren, P.D. Van Helden
| This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 28 May 2008 | Published: 28 May 2008
Submitted: 28 May 2008 | Published: 28 May 2008
About the author(s)
S.D.C. Parsons,T.A. Gous,
R.M. Warren,
P.D. Van Helden,
Full Text:
PDF (330KB)Abstract
Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection in dogs is rarely reported and has not previously been documented in South Africa. A case of a stray Maltese crossbreed dog with extensive multifocal pulmonary tuberculosis due to M. tuberculosis is described. Pulmonary granulomas in this case were poorly encapsulated and contained large numbers of acid-fast bacteria, highlighting the potential for infected companion animals to excrete the pathogen. Treatment of canine tuberculosis is generally not advised, and for this reason, euthanasia of diseased animals must be advocated in most instances. Physicians and veterinarians must be aware that companion animals with active disease caused by M. tuberculosis could act as a potential source of infection.
Canine; Dog; Mycobacterium Tuberculosis; Tuberculosis; Zoonosis
Total abstract views: 3113Total article views: 3266
Crossref Citations
1. Overview and phylogeny of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex organisms: Implications for diagnostics and legislation of bovine tuberculosis
Sabrina Rodriguez-Campos, Noel H. Smith, Maria B. Boniotti, Alicia Aranaz
Research in Veterinary Science vol: 97 first page: S5 year: 2014
doi: 10.1016/j.rvsc.2014.02.009