Original Research

A comparison of the oral application and injection routes using the Onderstepoort Biological Products Fowl Typhoid vaccine, its safety, efficacy and duration of protection in commercial laying hens : article

C. Purchase, J. Picard, R. McDonald, S.P.R. Bisschop
Journal of the South African Veterinary Association | Vol 79, No 1 | a239 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/jsava.v79i1.239 | © 2008 C. Purchase, J. Picard, R. McDonald, S.P.R. Bisschop | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 28 May 2008 | Published: 28 May 2008

About the author(s)

C. Purchase,
J. Picard,
R. McDonald,
S.P.R. Bisschop,

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This study was undertaken to establish whether the Onderstepoort Biological Products Fowl Typhoid (OBPft) vaccine registered as an injectable vaccine was effective and safe when administered orally to commercial layers. Its efficacy and duration of protection were compared with application by intramuscular injection. Commercial brown layer hens were used as they were found to be highly susceptible to Salmonella gallinarum infections. In the vaccine safety trial birds were euthanased at timed intervals spanning 4 weeks post-vaccination. Necropsies were performed and samples were taken and tested. No clinical signs or mortalities could be attributed to the OBPft vaccine nor could active shedding of the vaccine strain be detected. Slight pathological changes were noted with both routes of vaccination; however, these changes were transient, returning to normal within the observation period. The injected groups showed a better serological response with the rapid serum plate agglutination (RSPA) test than the orally vaccinated groups. In the duration of protection trial, birds were challenged at 3-8-week intervals post-vaccination. All unvaccinated birds died. Protection 8 and 16 weeks after vaccination was above 60 %, by 24 weeks after challenge, the vaccine protection was below 30 %. It was found that there was no significant difference (P < 0.05) in the protection offered by either the oral or injected route of vaccination with the OBPft vaccine.


Efficacy; OBP Fowl Typhoid Vaccine; Safety; Salmonella Gallinarum


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Crossref Citations

1. Establishment of a live vaccine strain against fowl typhoid and paratyphoid
Sun-Hee Cho, Young-Jin Ahn, Tae-Eun Kim, Sun-Joong Kim, Won Huh, Young-Sik Moon, Byung-Hyung Lee, Jae-Hong Kim, Hyuk Joon Kwon
Korean Journal of Veterinary Research  vol: 55  issue: 4  first page: 241  year: 2015  
doi: 10.14405/kjvr.2015.55.4.241