Original Research

The use of electrochemically activated saline as a uterine instillation in pony mares : article

C.H. Annandale, M.L. Schulman, R.D. Kirkpatrick
Journal of the South African Veterinary Association | Vol 79, No 1 | a238 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/jsava.v79i1.238 | © 2008 C.H. Annandale, M.L. Schulman, R.D. Kirkpatrick | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 28 May 2008 | Published: 28 May 2008

About the author(s)

C.H. Annandale,
M.L. Schulman,
R.D. Kirkpatrick,

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Twelve pony mares were randomly assigned to either a control or a treatment group and inseminated with fresh, raw semen from a single stallion of known fertility in a cross-over trial design. Pregnancy was diagnosed by transrectal ultrasound 12-14 days post-ovulation and then terminated by administration of a luteolytic dose of cloprostenol. Treatment mares received a uterine instillation of 100 m of electrochemically activated (ECA) saline 4-12 hours post-insemination. Control mares received no treatment post-insemination. Per cycle pregnancy rate was 58.3 % in the control group and 50 % in the treatment group. There was no statistical difference (P = 1.000) in pregnancy rate between the 2 groups. The principles of ECA and applications of ECA saline are discussed.


Electrochemical; Endometritis; Fresh Semen; Mare; Saline


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